WWE: 10 Most Outrageous International Stereotypes

10. Razor Ramon

Razor Ramon was a walking, talking Cuban stereotype. The idea behind the character clearly came from the gangster movie Scarface, with both Ramon's accent and characteristics mimicking the actors within the movie. Even the wrestler's catchphrase was an adapted version of the movies most quoted line 'say hello to my little friend'; Ramon would often mutter the words 'say hello to The Bad Guy' in his promos. Razor Ramon's appearance furthered a negative stereotype too; he had extremely greasy hair, gold chains dangling from his bare chest and would always be seen chewing on a toothpick. Not to mention, the name 'Razor', could easily be taken as a cocaine reference. When Scott Hall originally pitched the idea of Razor to Vince McMahon and Pat Patterson, they hailed Hall a 'genius' for the gimmick; later revealing that neither had actually seen Scarface at the time. Razor Ramon was actually a great success. In fact, the character was so popular that when he left the company, they hired a different person to play the gimmick, who would pretend to be the very same guy. That idea went down about as well as a 2014 Batista Royal Rumble win.

A wrestling enthusiast, currently educating the youth of Taiwan English; there are now a bunch of Asian kids running around with Yorkshire accents. Read about that trip and others at dragonstravel.com.