WWE: 10 Most Outrageous International Stereotypes

9. William Regal

I have spent a lot of time in the UK, being that I was both born and raised there, and I'm legitimately yet to come across a single person that uses the word 'besmirched' in general conversation. Maybe I've just been hanging around with the wrong people? Or alternatively William Regal wasn't a great example of how British people talk. Regal would often come down to the ring and attempt to perform a very stereotypical British hobby, before a baby face wrestler would destroy his stage props, to the joy of the crowd. Chris Jericho abruptly ended his one man tea party and later urinated in his office teapot; whilst on another occasion, Stone Cold was bored of listening to Regal recite Shakespeare's Hamlet in the middle of the ring, so came out and hit him with a stunner. A lot of credit has to go to Darren Matthews, for being able to sell such a terrible character. Not only did his character gather strong heat; he was also able to cement longevity in the WWE and is respected by wrestling fans all over the globe. Let's all raise our cups of tea to Mr Matthews.

A wrestling enthusiast, currently educating the youth of Taiwan English; there are now a bunch of Asian kids running around with Yorkshire accents. Read about that trip and others at dragonstravel.com.