WWE: 10 Most Outrageous International Stereotypes

7. Kai En Tai

The tag team of 'Kai En Tai' were not actually born in the WWE, but were rather a stable first introduced in Japan's Michinoku Pro Wrestling; though after reshuffling the group, they would find global fame in WWE years later. So technically WWE didn't create Kai En Tai, they just knew how to enhance the stereotype. Kai En Tai's most memorable storyline came when the team's manager, Yamaguchi-San was made aware that Val Venis was sleeping with his wife. Naturally, he was upset. How could you possible get revenge for such a devastating blow? I can't really see any other way than cutting Val's penis off. Yamaguchi-san shared my opinion and therefore brought both a table and salami out to demonstrate to Venis, exactly how this would work. Shouting "I choppy, choppy your pee pee" over a microphone. Yes, because that is how all Japanese people talk. The tag team quickly became jobbers, which often happens once the novelty of the foreign wrestlers wears off in the WWE. With their gimmick consisting of them shooting promos, but with voices being badly dubbed over them lip-syncing, poking fun at old kung-fu movies that are renowned for doing just that.

A wrestling enthusiast, currently educating the youth of Taiwan English; there are now a bunch of Asian kids running around with Yorkshire accents. Read about that trip and others at dragonstravel.com.