WWE: 10 Most Overpaid Wrestlers Of 2013

2. Big Show, Upper Mid Carder, $1.5 Million Yearly Guaranteed (Typical Upper Mid Card Earns 600-800k), Competed In 6 PPVs, 1 Main Events To Draw 179,00 Buys, Some Merchandise Sales

the-big-show The Big Show's WCW debut was for the world championship and started his first million dollar contract ... he has gone on to always attain a hugely over valued deal in the wrestling industry. His current WWE deal is much the same, $1.5 million for what is essentially a mid card to filler role. Show was also pretty inactive for patches of 2013, there is no way that WWE generated $1.5 million from his name. The company did try to capitalize on their huge investment by promoting the Giant as the main event and selling point of Survivor Series 2013. It was a huge disaster, Show versus Orton for the WWE title drew just 179,000 buys - the lowest Survivor Series buy rate since the cartoon era. It is the ultimate proof that Show is not worth his money, he is paid as if he is one of the biggest draws in the industry, only Punk, Orton and Cena earn more than him.
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WWE Writer

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