WWE: 10 Most Overpaid Wrestlers Of 2013

3. Sheamus, Upper Mid Carder, $1,000,000 Yearly Guaranteed (Typical Upper Mid Card Earns 600-800k), Competed In 5 PPVs, 1 Main Events To Draw 198k Buys, Some Merchandise Sales

sheamus Triple H's favorite project, Sheamus was seen as a future main event star and awarded a million dollar contract ... the truth is that the Irishman just doesn't have the engagement factor to be the top guy in the business. He spent the first half of 2013 in meaningless feuds under his boring face role, and the second half of 2013 he spent home in Ireland nursing a torn shoulder. The PPV main event that The Great White did feature in was the multi person Money In The Bank match, and as such it is questionable to credit him with being the draw for the 198k buys that event did. His other PPV matches were mostly filler role, and his television appearances were not much better - he famously wrestled Orton to huge "Boring" chants and Mexican waves. Merchandise saw plenty of Sheamus t shirts produced, but sales were pretty average. It sums the wrestler up, an average guy who is a mid carder. The company has seriously over valued him at a guaranteed one million a year. He is a similar sort of talent to Del Rio, and should be on the same 600 - 700k guarantee that Alberto is on.
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