WWE: 10 Most Overpaid Wrestlers Of 2013

6. Mark Henry, Upper Mid Carder, $877,000 Yearly Guaranteed (Typical Upper Mid Card Earns 600-800k), Competed In 5 PPVs, 1 Main Events To Draw 198,00 Buys, Some Merchandise Sales

mark henry Mark Henry has vastly improved his in-ring work and promos in recent years, but at 877k he is still considerably overpaid - he is getting much more than the likes of Dolph Ziggler and is around the same pay scale as Daniel Bryan. Henry is at the top end of what a veteran upper mid carder can be guaranteed in WWE, and his periods of inactivity in 2013 mean WWE have probably missed out on his full worth. He did battle John Cena for the WWE title at Money In The Bank, but those 198k buys the PPV did are more attributable to the Ladder match that closed the show. Henry has a range of t-shirts to his name, but the general trend of poor WWE shop sales means he didn't add much value to that area. Henry just didn't do the business for WWE in 2013. Appearing in less than half of WWE PPV content, he has made a lot of money for not very much work in the last calendar year.
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