WWE: 10 Most Overpaid Wrestlers Of 2013

5. Kane, Mid Carder, $905,000 Yearly Guaranteed (Typical Mid Card Earns 400-600k), Competed In 6 PPVs, 0 Main Events To Draw 0 Buys, Some Merchandise Mask Sales

Kane Barely active in the second half of 2013, Kane at least wrestled a considerable number of TV matches in the first half of the year. He was a key player in the mid card during his tag team champion run with Daniel Bryan, and was one of the arguable selling points of some of the 6 ppv appearances he starred in. Nevertheless, his work didn't add up to nearly a million dollars worth of value. He had some merchandise sales of masks, but likewise, they didn't do huge numbers. The Corporate Kane of the second half of 2013 was completely useless. The character has so far done nothing of consequence, and progressed little of significance. Given Kane's 18 years of loyalty to Vince McMahon and the aptitude he displays in the ring, perhaps he deserves his huge financial guarantee. But in a time where most mid carders are only earning 400k, Kane's 905k sounds a tad excessive.
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WWE Writer

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