1.Kevin Dunn
Kevin Dunn (above, right) arguably is the WWE at least the aesthetic WWE fans know and love. The executive vice president of television production is arguably the most influential man in WWE outside of Vince McMahon. He is the person who is responsible for the look and feel of Monday Night Raw. McMahon is the promoter, Dunn is the producer. His name is known, but he deserves way more recognition for his work in making the WWE what it is. Raw, Smackdown, Wrestlemania, B level pay per views ... Dunn is the producer for all of these broadcasts. WWE is ultimately appreciated for its televised content, and it is Kevin Dunn overseeing that area. Steve Austin has stated multiple times how much credit Dunn deserves for putting together such a top tv show. The Stone Cold character was great, but it was the way he was presented on tv that really got him over. The influence of Dunn goes way back before the success of Monday Night Raw. Dunn was a key member of the production team that pitched the first Wrestlemania, and he has been called by Vince McMahon as "integral" to the innovations of the WWE. Managing a team of 140 people and sitting on the board of WWE directors, there is no doubt about it, Kevin Dunn is wielding huge influence in sports entertainment.