WWE: 10 Most Powerful People Right Now (In Order Of Importance)

7. Michelle Wilson, Chief Marketing Officer Executive

Wwe Survivor Series 2013 When it comes to marketing, WWE is among the very best commercial enterprises in entertainment. A lot of that is down to the work of Michelle Wilson, who operates as the chief marketing officer of the executive team. It is a reflection of the WWE as a modern business that they have so many women in key positions. Michelle is a vital component in WWE global marketing and brand development. She also manages media sales and sponsorship, and has a hand in nearly every aspect of WWE business. When you see WWE TV pushing the make a wish foundation and Susan Komen breast cancer charity drive, you can thank Michelle for that - she was the key person to form these partnerships for television. Within the company, Michelle is afforded a lot of credit from Vince McMahon in her creative drive for Wrestlemania. It is Michelle who has marketed WWE's recent pay per view content, and pushed up the process for varying revenue streams from the events. As Stephanie McMahon ascends in power, we will surely see even more women within the WWE. With Michelle Wilson already a significant player, expect her to consolidate her own power for years to come.
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