WWE: 10 Most Powerful People Right Now (In Order Of Importance)

6. Stephanie McMahon, Executive Vice President, Creative

Stephanie Mcmahon1 More famous as an on air character, Stephanie has legitimately progressed as a business woman, and she now wields significant power within the company. Firstly, she is a significant shareholder and apparent heir to Vince McMahon - but in terms of day to day power right now, she has actually scaled back somewhat. Nevertheless, she is a formidable personality backstage and in the WWE Connecticut office. Stephanie is the key person who oversees creative developments on WWE television, as well as creative for live events and pay per view. She is also active in creativity for print media, digital content and social media initiatives. You can blame Steph to an extent for the annoying level of Twitter and social interaction initiatives on Raw. Despite being the daughter of the boss, Steph has proven herself in her own right. She has had to work for her position. She began in 1998 by working as an account executive in sales, working her way up to direction and production roles at live events as well as talent relations roles. It is perhaps Stephanie's creative roles she is best know for, booking many of the WWE storylines since 2003. She is in every respect the daughter of Vince McMahon, and she is not only one of the most powerful business women in the WWE - she is one of the most powerful business women in the world.
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WWE Writer

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