WWE: 10 Most Powerful People Right Now (In Order Of Importance)

3. George Barrios, Chief Financial Officer

promo-de-wwe-money-in-the-b As the chief financial officer of a billion dollar company, George Barrios is right up there in terms of power within WWE. Barrios oversees all matters relating to WWE's complex finances, including accounting management and investor relations. It is one of the most important jobs in any company, the finances being the very life blood of what keeps the WWE monster moving. Barrios is hugely qualified for the formidable role, he has worked his way through financial positions with giants of industry such as HBO, Time Warner and the New York Times Company. Barrios' also knows a thing or two about sucking up to the boss. In a recent media interview, the CFO stated that Vince McMahon is one of his role models, and a man who always behaves "as if every day is the first day on the job". Comments like that are sure to sit well with the McMahon ego.
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WWE Writer

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