WWE: 10 Most Powerful People Right Now (In Order Of Importance)

4. Paul Levesque, Executive Vice President, Talent And Live Events

Triple H B Paul Levesque is better known to most people as Triple H, a key star of WWE television (and a fantastic wrestler I might add). He is fast becoming an even better business man, and is hugely powerful as arguably the key man between the office and the arena. In terms of talent relations, Hunter is the power broker who most WWE talent will deal with. He was instrumental in negotiating deals for Brock Lesnar, Rob Van Dam and even Bruno Sammartino who had sworn he would never go back to WWE. Hunter is a great communicator, with an encyclopedia like knowledge for the wrestling business. The product has significantly improved since he got more involved in the operations side of the company. Levesque has also been the driving force in the construction of WWE's new performance center. 'The Game' has reinforced the point to Vince McMahon that new talent needs to be developed, and Levesque's initiatives in training the next generation of WWE talent will be a real boost to the industry for years to come. As well as managing and developing talent, 'Hunter' has also become a driving force in event direction and production. He has a big hand in WWE storylines too, and Vince McMahon is said to have Paul Levesque in mind to be his ultimate successor. The man known as Triple H certainly has a better inside knowledge of the industry than any other man in the company.
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WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.