WWE: 10 Questions You Most Want Answered (July 19)

5. John Cena's Role At Next Year's WrestleMania

From @andyclemo: If the plan is as expected (Brock wins title at SummerSlam, holds until WrestleMania 31), what does Cena do up to and including through WrestleMania?
When these types of questions get asked the best way to answer it is to just say "it's only July" and that it's far too early to be thinking about who might be wrestling for what title at a show that is taking place at the end of March. Of course fans want to know who are going to be in the biggest matches, so that's why these kinds of questions pop up from time to time. The notion that Lesnar is going to win the WWE Title at SummerSlam, then hold it until WrestleMania while only wrestling two other matches (Night of Champions and Royal Rumble) is unrealistic to me. If WWE wants people to buy their WWE Network so much then it seems very unlikely that they would hold three or four PPVs without the WWE Title on the line in any of those match. That would severely hurt the product. Maybe Lesnar will wrestle at the other PPVs, but at this point we don't know that. As for Cena, it's hard to forecast what he might do or who he might face. At this time last year did you think Bray Wyatt would be his WrestleMania opponent? Probably not. It could be a guy like Seth Rollins if WWE wants to give him a bigger spotlight. Other top heels right now are Orton, Kane & Triple H, all of whom have wrestled Cena too many times. I hate to avoid questions, but it's really hard to say. My only prediction for a Cena WrestleMania match is that he's probably going to win and most fans are probably going to complain about it! I think that's a safe bet!

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.