WWE: 10 Questions You Most Want Answered (July 19)

4. Sheamus Unifying The Midcard Titles

From @BigTunaSays: Will the Intercontinental/US Titles be unified at Battleground if Sheamus wins the battle royal?
Yes it looks like that's what will happen if Sheamus wins the match since he's already got the US Title in his possession. It would be pretty silly if he was carrying around two titles, then he had to defend one of them and the other one just sort of sat there. There have been plenty of rumors over the years of WWE unifying those titles because of how difficult it is for WWE to book them properly. We saw how poor Dean Ambrose's run was as the US Champ through no fault of his own. Bad News Barrett had some momentum as the IC Champ and then he got hurt. Sheamus has done a solid job as US Champ. There's nothing wrong with him in that role. They really shouldn't unify them, though. Not now. If they're going to do it then do it at a more major show like SummerSlam or WrestleMania, but not Battleground. The best thing would be for them to keep both titles, actually book them in an intelligent manner and make the fans care when people have matches with the titles on the line. It's not that hard to make a title seem important. It's just a matter of whether WWE wants to actually do it or not.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.