WWE: 10 Questions You Most Want Answered (July 5)

6. Will Chris Jericho Go Heel After Bray Wyatt Feud?

From @JustAndy59 After a face Jericho puts over Bray Wyatt, would it be nice to see heel Jericho put over someone? Sami Zayn maybe?
It's a nice thought. Jericho's one of the best performers ever in part because he's just as good as a heel as he is as a face. Any time he feuds with somebody it usually makes the other guy look great. Jericho has said many times in his career that he's not out there for wins or losses. It's about making the story work. He gets that as well as anybody. The main roster debut of Sami Zayn needs to happen sooner rather than later. He's more than ready by this point. Matching him up with Jericho would work really well for both guys. It would show that Jericho is still able to work with a younger guy and if Zayn were to get a big win over him it would elevate him. There are two other guys I really want to see Jericho feud with: Cesaro and Bad News Barrett. Right now Cesaro's in the heel role, so they could do that feud soon or wait until both guys turn. In Barrett's case, he has a history with him since Jericho was his "pro" on NXT four years ago. It's just a shame that Barrett got hurt because Jericho would have been a great opponent for him. There's so much value in featuring Jericho in a big role. It's great to see him back "home" in WWE.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.