WWE: 10 Real Life Wrestler Romances That Ended In Heartbreak

2. Lex Luger & Elizabeth

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8ANplsOySo Following her divorce from Randy Savage, Miss Elizabeth continued to work alongside him in WCW and eventually became part of the NWO. In 1999 Elizabeth became the manager of Lex Luger (Larry Pfhol) a former WWE and current WCW superstar. Despite being released from her WCW contract in 2000 the two continued a real life relationship. On April 19th 2003 the two were involved in a domestic dispute that left her with two bruised eyes. A few days later, she was the passenger in his car when Lex was arrested for driving whilst drunk after rear-ending another car. On May 1 2003, Luger called 911 from his home reporting that Elizabeth was not breathing, shortly after arriving at hospital she was pronounced dead. Her tragic death was a result of acute drug toxicity, after mixing prescription pills and alcohol. She was 42 years old. A decade after Elizabeth€™s tragic passing Lugar seems to have turned his life around and last year published his first book discussing his €œReign, Ruin and Redemption€.
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Liverpool born and bred now living in Louisville, Kentucky. It's as strange as it sounds.