WWE: 10 Real Life Wrestler Romances That Ended In Heartbreak

5. Triple H & Chyna

tripleh chyna The 9th wonder of the world Chyna (Joanie Laurer) was brought in to the WWE in 1997 as a bodyguard/enforcer for HHH (Paul Levesque) and later became a member of the wildly popular D-Generation X. The couple were also dating in real life, initially opting to keep the relationship secret. They eventually set up home together and remained a couple on screen. In 2000 HHH was in an on screen relationship and €œmarriage€ with the Stephanie McMahon, daughter of WWE owner Vince. The two then developed feelings in real life and began a relationship. Chyna claims she was one of the very last to find out about the affair after finding love letters from Stephanie in HHH€™s briefcase. In a radio interview in 2004 HHH claimed that he did not begin dating Stephanie until he and Chyna had been apart for some time. Chyna was up for contract renewals around the same time that she discovered the relationship and according to her, the WWE gave her a lowball offer and she knew the company wanted her gone. WWE on the other hand said that contract negotiations broke down because Chyna was asking for far too much money. Regardless Chyna was done with the WWE. HHH and Stephanie were married in October 2003 and have 3 daughters. After leaving the WWE Chyna entered into a tumultuous relationship with Sean €œX-pac€ Waltman, which resulted in the release of a sex tape. Upon separating from Waltman Chyna struggled with substance abuse and began a career in porn. According to her twitter Chyna has now retired from porn and is teaching English in Japan.
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Liverpool born and bred now living in Louisville, Kentucky. It's as strange as it sounds.