WWE: 10 Reasons Daniel Bryan's Yes Movement Is Dead

6. A Lack Of Serious Challengers

Is this particular reason Daniel Bryan's fault? Not even slightly, it's the result of some limp booking from the WWE that has left their champion being hung out to dry. They've put all their eggs into a Shield vs. Evolution-shaped basket, and it has left Daniel Bryan looking completely and utterly stale as a champion. The lack of any top heels in and amongst the company hasn't helped (with the exception of Randy Orton, of course), but that doesn't mean someone didn't deserve a push up the card to try and take Bryan down. Almost all of the top stars in the WWE were tied up in feuds elsewhere, and it should have meant one door opening for someone like Alberto Del Rio or Bad News Barrett - even temporarily, just to give the champion a bit of a lift. In all actuality, Bryan's best feud before the Yes Movement got up and running was that series of matches against Sheamus. Would turning Sheamus heel and have him try take Bryan down been a bad move? Of course not. But therein lies the failure to think laterally in the WWE.
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Freelance sports journalist from Bradford, West Yorkshire. Specialize in primarily Rugby League and Football.