WWE: 10 Reasons We Love Trish Stratus

2. The Feud With Mickie James In 2005/2006

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYYIAgwkG_g This is something I already covered when I wrote about Mickie James a week ago. This was, in my opinion, the best singular women's feud in WWE history. The whole thing took about 6 months to develop from where Mickie debuted as a huge fan of Trish to awkward moments like a mistletoe kiss, a bloody kiss in the ring and Mickie winning the Women's Title from Trish in front of an appreciative crowd in Chicago at WrestleMania 22. Trish's role was very important because she was six years into her career by the time WrestleMania 22 came around and was firmly entrenched as the top babyface diva in the company. Aside from a couple of entertaining heel runs, fans knew Trish as a babyface wrestler. This angle probably wouldn't have worked with another diva. Trish was the right one for Mickie to go up against. There matches were memorable because here we are eight years later and people still talk about the feud regularly. Part of the reason for that is because in today's WWE they don't seem to care to develop storylines that have any depth for the women. All they really do is have a champion that wrestles different challengers without any character development. When Trish battled Mickie we knew a lot about each woman, what their motives were and why they wanted to win the match so badly. Even though Mickie won the feud on the big stage at WrestleMania 22, Trish actually won their last match on Raw in September 2006 right before she retired. While it's fair to say that Trish's rivalry with Lita was very good, it's the one with Mickie that was better. The Trish/Lita rivalry did last longer, though.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.