WWE: 10 Reasons We Love Trish Stratus

3. Main Eventing Raw Against Lita

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o57EWyUvDvc When Trish headlined Raw against Lita on Raw on December 6, 2004 it was the main event of Raw. A women's match in the main event had never happened up to that point and hasn't happened since then either. Trish went into the match as the heel Women's Champion and Lita was the babyface challenger in her home state of North Carolina. The atmosphere for the match was perfect as the rivalry was built up very well and they went at it aggressively. There was even the story of Trish dealing with a nose injury, but she was able to fight through that too. There were some really good spots in the match with Lita hitting a suicide dive at one point and also a nice powerbomb out of the corner. These were not regular moves for her, so it showed they were willing to pull out all the stops to win. For the finish, Lita went up top and hit her finishing move, the Moonsault, and nailed it perfectly. Lita won the Women's Title. The crowd loved it. Jim Ross was going crazy on commentary. It was really well done. On Trish's website TrishStratus.com, she recently did a commentary along with Lita talking about their best moments. Here's what Trish wrote about it:
"We were totally honored when we found out. We had worked our butts off to bring the level of our matches and the interest in our feud to this point, so it was like our hard work had paid off €“ we worked for that main event spot and we earned it €“ that felt great! We knew we had a huge responsibility to pull off something great. Thankfully, I have to say, it all came together quite easily for us considering the pressure. We had worked so many matches, we knew each other really well out there and the crowd was totally into it, which always creates a good environment to work in."
I agree with that. They earned the spot and proved they could have a good match too. It was a very memorable match in the main event of Raw.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.