Trish had plenty of great WrestleMania moments. She had matches at 5 WrestleManias and most of those were pretty cool (we'll forget tagging with Snooki), but one that stands out for me is the angle she participated in at WrestleMania 20. There was a "loonie bet" between Chris Jericho and Christian where they would try to hook up with Trish and Lita. A "loonie" is the $1 Canadian coin here in Canada. The angle took about four months to play out, which was great because things are so rushed in wrestling. During the development of the angle on Raw, Trish found out about the bet at a time when she actually developed feelings for Jericho. In the angle, Christian ended up taking advantage of the situation and even had a match with Trish where he beat her with the Walls of Jericho. That led up to the match at WrestleMania with Jericho as the babyface against heel Christian. The Christian/Jericho match was very good. It was back and forth. When Trish showed up near the end, the idea was that she was there in support of Jericho. Christian even went after her, then when Jericho consoled her she hit a back elbow and Christian rolled up Jericho to win. After the match, Trish slapped Jericho and left with Christian. Lucky Christian even got to make out with Trish. They were an on screen couple for a few months, but it didn't really last too long of an angle although both of them would be heels. Heel Trish was a lot of fun over the course of the next year or so. She had a babyface run for about three years leading up to it, so heel Trish was very fresh. She also was even sexier in the heel role. Guys like bad girls. Can't help it.
John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to with any questions or comments as well.