WWE: 10 Reasons Randy Orton Will Struggle For Relevancy After WrestleMania 30

8. If Orton Remains Heel, He Has No Fresh Opponents That People Will Want To See Him Wrestle

Looking at WWE's roster, the top babyfaces available for Orton to wrestle (meaning, above the midcard, ascending to the main event, yet not in the main event, and not already spoken for) for the next three-to-six months are literally Big Show, Sheamus and Big E. The Big Show and Orton worked a feud six months ago based around Big Show not wanting to be a corporate stooge that ended up with a less-than-stellar main event. Sheamus and Orton have had a prior history, but Sheamus is mired in a series of pointless feeling TV matches with Christian and Alberto del Rio that feel like the product of WWE's creative team spinning their wheels. Insofar as Big E, Orton wrestling Big E only makes sense if they want to hotshot the powerhouse to the main event, which given his ability to catch on with (but not get over the hump with) the live crowds, feels like an exercise in futility. Thus, Orton's stranded, a man without a compelling (and money-drawing) feud.
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Randy Orton
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Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.