WWE: 10 Reasons Randy Orton Will Struggle For Relevancy After WrestleMania 30

6. Roman Reigns Is Orton's Next Best Opponent, And Is In A State Of Heel-To-Babyface Glux

Thus, Orton has nobody to wrestle (yet). The most ideal of opponents for Randy Orton is the Shield's Roman Reigns. Reigns is currently unstoppable. Orton is perceived as unstoppable. On a non-storyline level, Orton's a heel and can give Reigns the kind of match as a developing babyface that (similar to the role that Hunter played for Batista) can show him the ropes of how to be a top-tier babyface. However, the Shield's babyface turn is going to take forever, and likely end up with Reigns turning babyface first, followed by Seth Rollins, leaving Ambrose as the only (natural) heel of group. Thus, Orton is in limbo waiting for the money match(es) with Reigns to develop from a storyline likely happening at-or-before Summerslam.
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Randy Orton
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Besides having been an independent professional wrestling manager for a decade, Marcus Dowling is a Washington, DC-based writer who has contributed to a plethora of online and print magazines and newspapers writing about music and popular culture over the past 15 years.