WWE: 10 Reasons The Undertaker Could Retire At WrestleMania 30
7. Lack Of Future Opponents
The thing with having such an enduring streak is sooner or later you run out of big names to work with. Once Taker bests Lesnar, he may decide to hang them up simply on the basis that he can't envision what name he will work with at Mania 31. The names of Sting and Cena keep getting mentioned, they're the only potential matches. What Undertaker will ask himself is does those matches really do anything for him? Sure, they'd be great for WWE and Sting / Cena as individuals, but are they good match ups for the then 50 year old Calaway? Sting in particular seems a match which would be coming too late. Undertaker in the past has chosen to work with people such as Shawn Michaels, Triple H or CM Punk, guys who can help his tired bones through a match. With Sting it would be a case of Undertaker helping the then 56 year old Stinger through a contest. Looking around the locker room, perhaps Bryan, Wyatt or even Reigns might interest Undertaker in the future. However, would those matches be as big as victory over Brock Lesnar at the Thirtieth anniversary of WrestleMania in Calaway's mind. His streak at this point has became bigger than the locker room, sticking around to defend it in predictable victories might lack appeal.