2. Self Branding
Youll no doubt have noticed that so far this list consists of elements of WWE TV that revolve around lining Vince McMahans wallet. Sorry but this is another one. Talent wearing their own T-Shirts! Once again though Im not against this. Most of Cenas gimmick is that he is a walking merchandise stand and owning your favourite wrestlers tee is supposed to be a cool thing. Youre supporting your given team just like any other sport. I just feel that it takes away from what some of the talent could really do with their persona. For example, Triple H used to come to the ring in jeans, a denim and leather jacket looking badass WITH his own branded shirt. His character was still there but so was the dollar making merch. Stone Cold made sure his T Shirts said to everyone Im gon open a can of whip ass but still wore his patented shorts and trucker cap. Character; Check. Merch; Check. All the talent do nowadays is wear their T Shirt to the ring under their ring gear. Wheres the character? Wheres the persona? Either the talent or a part of creative think that putting a brand on all the wrestlers gear will tell everyone what they are about. It doesnt. It makes them look like a walking billboard, not an actual legit wrestler. Everyone is so colourful with mad pictures and sayings on their trunks. It's difficult to take them seriously and makes everyone appear to simply be a carbon copy of each other. Dont get me wrong, some guys understand this and take matters into their own hands. CM Punk, again, has started to wear a simple hoodie and not his shirt because he knows his character wouldnt peddle to the masses begging them to fill his wallet with his royalties. Dolph Ziggler works his shirts into his suit, sneakers ensemble that encompasses his character. This is most likely down to the directive the talent is given to push the merch themselves for that added dollar in the paycheque. And who could really blame them? I do think it is counter productive to any potential fan interest they might get.