This week's Monday Night Raw, the highly anticipated Raw after Wrestlemania, the one episode of Monday Night Raw that has become a huge showcase in it's own right, definitely lived up to the hype. This episode of Raw had a surprise Divas Title change (congratulations Paige), the return of RVD, the debut of Alexander Rusev, and the emergence of Cesaro as the newest Paul Heyman guy. Monday's Raw had a distinct theme following the third decennial Wrestlemania, and that theme was the rise of a new generation. The show prominently featured Paige, a victorious Wyatt Family, vignettes for two new main roster superstars in Bo Dallas (who's been doing great work on NXT) and Adam Rose (who is a longtime member of the developmental roster who seems to have finally found a character that the WWE deems worthy of a call-up), as well as Daniel Bryan holding the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. There was definitely an injection of youth heading into the next decade/chapter of the WWE following Wrestlemania XXX, but none was better than The Shield coming to the ring to face off against Triple H and The Authority, or as they were once called, Evolution. When The Shield brought the fight to ¾ of Evolution (and Kane), the place came unglued, the thought of a Shield vs. Evolution match surely running though their minds. The Shield have the people eating out of the palm of their hands, and everything they touch turns to gold. Conversely Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista are the most reviled men in the WWE right now, which makes this the optimal time to build towards a battle of these two influential factions of different generations. The fans desperately want to see The Shield vs. Evolution and here's why!
Matthew J. Douglas is an emerging screenwriter born in Toronto. A lifelong fascination with what makes a compelling story and the Toni Morrison quote "If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." led the often opinionated Matthew to the life of writer. Matthew is also a lifelong WWE fan, and a self diagnosed Reality TV Junkie.