WWE: 10 Returns & Surprises We Want To See For The Network Launch

1. Daniel Bryan Being Put Into The WrestleMania Main Event

Daniel Bryan Yes On one of the biggest episodes of Raw ever, WWE will want one of the loudest crowd reactions ever too. How to get it is actually quite simple. The Daniel Bryan chants are the loudest every night. Vince turning on 'The Authority' would help build some volume. To top it all off, Bryan being put into the main event would blow the roof off. Simple. Done. It could make complete sense too because it would make Randy feel like a put-upon champion again being put into a Triple Threat. It could potentially help the crowd warm to Batista if he says he has no problem with Bryan being in the match. It also adds fuel to the fire of the McMahon family feud which could take the company forward into SummerSlam and beyond. Hell, why not add a little bit of Shane in there too just to spice things up a little? Similar to the CM Punk return theory, to end on this announcement would make people want to pay to see the Raw fallout show on the Network. WWE needs a huge ending to the episode to make people want to immediately sign up for six months. Taker staring down Sting? Yep. Punk GTS-ing HHH? Obviously. Bryan standing tall as the crowd chant 'Yes'? Without a doubt. WWE needs to start using Bryan right now that Punk has gone or the adult fan-base, the ones that will actually pay for the Network, might not cough up. This would go a long way to making the Network and unqualified early success.
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Suit. Wine. Sport. Stirred. Not shaken. Done. Writer at http://whatculture.com, http://www.tjrsports.com and http://www.tjrwrestling.com