WWE: 10 Returns & Surprises We Want To See For The Network Launch
10. Vince Returns
This is probably a lock simply because if you're going to launch a massive entity like the Network, you want the boss to be present. To do so without him would be a huge anticlimax because, if it works, look for the whole PPV model to change and other sports, primarily boxing and UFC, to maybe follow likewise further down the line. Vince has been off television for several months now as 'The Authority' run roughshod over the roster. We've seen his daughter and son-in-law systematically destroy Daniel Bryan and have regularly put down others on the roster. From another point of view, HHH has managed to manoeuvre his clique into top positions. Randy is champion. Batista is No 1 Contender and the Royal Rumble winner. Hell, even the New Age Outlaws are creaking away as tag team champions. A return for Vince would, obviously, centre around the Network launch but it would also get him back on television and into the centre of the top storyline. Potentially, Vince's return could see him as the vocal supporter for Daniel Bryan. Essentially, a return for McMahon could be the start of an intense family feud with later pay-offs at WrestleMania and SummerSlam. Does this put Vince in the babyface role? Yes, because only someone of his power can realistically take on The Authority. A return to launch the Network and put Bryan in the main event at WrestleMania would create the loudest pop of the night.