9. The Rise Of The Undertaker

Although many look on the Royal Rumble as the start of the 'Road to WrestleMania', just as many look on the annual return of the Deadman as the beginning. Recent years have seen brilliant moments created as the run to the best match of the year begins. The fans love Taker now more than ever because, although he is rarely on television these days, his one, maybe two, matches are year are incredible. The returns are also just as good. Look back on some of them. Last year he appeared amongst the flames before Punk and Heyman intervened. There was Taker's pursuit of Triple H which resulted in him shaving his head. Also, there was the incredible silent agreement between him and Triple H for the match at WrestleMania 27. Basically, the minute that gong sounds, the crowd will erupt and we will probably find out who is opponent will be. In terms of contenders, the main rumour has been Brock Lesnar but how much will he want to work on the match with Taker behind the scenes? There is a big chance that WWE will throw a curveball to placate Taker. Bryan looks unlikely as he's currently in the spot meant for Punk fighting The Authority and HHH. Sting could happen if he returns before the big one but although 'one for the ages', the match quality wouldn't be up there with past years, which would be a shame. We might have a hyped-up Roman Reigns, one of the men to put Taker through a table on Smackdown last year. Whoever it is, we'll probably find out who takes on the streak next on that night.