6. A 'Real' Surprise Debut/Return

So far, so obvious. WWE does like to really surprise us sometimes though. Remember when we all thought Justin Bieber was going to be the host of WrestleMania XXVII only for The Rock to appear? How about Chris Jericho's Royal Rumble return last year? Sometimes, WWE can surprise even the most spoiler-filled wrestling fans. What could the surprise be though? Well, it could be the debut of someone like AJ Styles. A ROH wrestler at the moment but an indie favourite all the same. He could definitely have some great matches in the promotion, that's for sure. What's also sure though is that WWE likes to bury wrestlers that don't bleed WWE, all you have to do is look at WCW/ECW invasion storylines for that. Also, a lot of the crowd wouldn't really know who he was. He'd definitely get a pop but not one to bring down the rafters. To that end, although injured, what if Kurt Angle were to return? Alright, alright. Yes, he's under contract with TNA but who knows what happens behind closed doors. With recent returns like The Rock, Bret Hart, Batista and Brock Lesnar, the well is running dry for big names coming back to the flagship promotion. Maybe WWE would pay a lot of money to get someone like Angle back early? A real, true surprise though would be a great moment in a night we all think we know all about. Amongst Hogan/Sting, etc. wouldn't it be great if we really did mark out with events take a turn for the unexpected. WWE's done it in the past, this night would be the night to do it again.