3. The Attitude Era and PG Era Exist Outside Of Wrestling
We all remember the Attitude Era. WWE's glory days from 1998 to 2002. Then came the Ruthless Aggression Era and the PG Era and now we are living in the Reality Era. We all throw these terms around very easily but have you ever used one of these "Eras" to pinpoint a non-wrestling event? If you have then you probably need to have your head examined. I was still in school during the Attitude Era. But of course when talking to non-wrestling fans I have to say the 90s instead because normal people have no idea what the hell I'm talking about. Hard to blame them really. If you have ever used PG Eras and Reality Eras to describe actual periods in history, then be warned, people will get confused. But of course nothing confuses non wrestling fans more than the next item on this list.