10 Steps To Booking Ronda Rousey As WWE Divas Champion

9. The Authority Step In

Boooo! Hiss! Out come Mr and Mrs McMahon-Helmsley, aggrieved at Ronda "abusing" her power as Guest Host (even though, technically, they would have booked her, but they're heels so they're allowed to be hypocrites, right?) and still evidently bitter at her and The Rock embarrassing them at the Show Of Shows in March. After bigging themselves up, because they bloody love bigging themselves up, they call Ronda out, informing her that she is officially relieved of her duties for the evening and will be escorted out of the arena. For a moment, it's teased that Ronda will go Full Rousey on the security guards that arrive to take her away, but ultimately, she leaves the building, giving Steph the ol' Stink Eye as she does so and being carried out by a chorus of boos aimed at our Trips and Steph. Meanies. Meanwhile, the show will continue, with that night's main event of Dolph Ziggler vs the current World Champ (heel Roman Reigns, please) set to be a cracker! If Dolph wins, he gets a title shot at Royal Rumble 2016. Hmmm....

Lifelong wrestling fan. I like to talk about it. Argue with me!