10 Steps To Booking Ronda Rousey As WWE Divas Champion
8. Ronda Gets Involved
Predictably, that aforementioned main event is a knockout, with Roman (look, we're running with this) and Dolph putting on a fine show that goes right to the wire...until a returning J and J Security turn up and threaten to scupper everything. The fiends! They distract the ref, land a couple of cheap shots on poor old Zigs and generally act like right d***heads. It looks grim for the Show-Off, until... Ronda Rousey appears in the crowd! "How the hell did she get back in here?!" moans JBL, which if you really think about it, is a very fair point. As a ringside Steph and Trips look on in horror, Ronda proceeds to...ah...dispose of J and J, distracting Roman and leaving him prone for a Zig-Zag and the 1-2-3! It's over! Ziggler's going to Royal Rumble, and Ronda escapes back through the crowd! The Authority is furious. The crowd loves it. It's a lovely, lovely time. Needless to say, the Powers That Be have a real bee in their bonnet, with Steph insisting the following week that not only will Ronda never guest host a Raw again - she's banned from WWE programming forever! Boo! Hiss! Etc.