10 Stupidest WWE Superstar Arrests

5. Chris Jericho & The Hurricane

Jericho Helms Arrest The recent return of Chris Jericho to WWE programming was a nice positive for the company, as Y2J is a valued and versatile performer who has perennial goodwill with the fans. That goodwill is likely the reason why his run-in with the cops back in 2010 quickly fizzled out after a few days of headlines. Jericho, The Hurricane (real name: Greg Helms) and Matt Hardy were riding in a taxi one night when a backseat brawl broke out between The Ayatollah of Rock n' Rollah and his masked superhero friend. Helms lashed out in a drunken fury, striking Chris and two other passengers, one of which was a female. Hurricane and Hardy fled the scene, but Helms soon returned to the gas station where he and Y2J were arrested for public intoxication. The highlight of this arrest is Jericho, clearly sloshed out of his mind, smirking in his mugshot. Obviously he was able to recover, and the incident is all but forgotten. Unfortunately we can't say the same for Helms, who fizzled out not long after.
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Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.