WWE: 10 Superstars Most Shafted By The Royal Rumble

1. Daniel Bryan

Danel Bryan Vs Bray Wyatt Not just the biggest shafting at the Rumble, but the biggest shafting of the decade. Daniel Bryan is star whether the WWE likes it or not. By not using him in the Royal Rumble matchup the company was doing a disservice to Bryan as well as the fans. All of us ended up getting shafted. Despite the potential enormous reaction that Bryan in the Rumble would have generated, the WWE instead decided to keep him as far away from the match as possible. They did this to protect the wrestler who they rate, the wrestler in fitting with their tradition - Dave Batista. That preference for big muscular wrestlers is now outdated however. Fans want fast paced agile wrestlers, summed up by the cheers received night in night out by Bryan. In pressing on with their ideals, the WWE kept Bryan away from the match in order not to detract cheers from Batista winning. It backfired spectacularly. All that ended up happening was fans cheered Bryan's name anyway, booing Batista at every movement. It wasn't just the Rumble exclusion that did Bryan an injustice though. His clean loss to Bray Wyatt was also a shameful moment, after so many PPV losses it was time for Bryan to get a win. Again, WWE thought differently. The one refreshing aspect of all of this was the vocal Pittsburgh audience and online media. The WWE thought they could get away with all of this ... they have found out otherwise.
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Royal Rumble
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