WWE: 10 Superstars Who Should Be Fired

8. Justin Gabriel

justin gabriel The South-African Sensation, Justin Gabriel is an extra-ordinary talent. He can deliver good matches, his microphone skills are above average and overall, he's a quality wrestler. However, with the current evolving WWE roster, Justin Gabriel has no place within the WWE. Gabriel is a talented athlete, however, he lacks charisma, which is an important factor in the WWE. Justin Gabriel is like any other generic face superstar on the roster, except for the fact that he has a beautiful finisher. Like Evan Bourne, should the finisher be his only claim to fame, and should the WWE employ him only because of his finisher? The answer is no. There are thousands of hungry wrestlers who want to make it big in the wrestling business, and there are tons of wrestlers who are better than Gabriel, however, Gabriel getting the opportunity to perform at this level is an insult to them. Adrian Neville (PAC) has the best finisher in the WWE currently, and if anyone were to replace Justin Gabriel, it would easily be him. Neville actually has charisma which makes him better than Gabriel, and also, it wouldn't change much if Gabriel wasn't in the WWE. Justin can help out with the X-Division over at TNA, but in the WWE, sadly, his time is up.
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