WWE: 10 Superstars Who Should Be Fired

7. JTG

jtg Brooklyn! Brooklyn! JTG was once one of the most entertaining parts of the WWE experience. Teaming with Shad Gaspard, Cryme Time was a successful tag team who was famous, but they never won the tag team gold. After their split, JTG and Gaspard had a short feud and no one cared about it, and Shad was released. Everyone expected JTG to be the one who was given the boot, however, he was safe. Everyone counted down the days of the day when he would be fired. Honestly, even I expected JTG to be fired before Shad, and it was a huge surprise for me as I read the news. Howver, JTG wasn't fired, and is still employed by the WWE. JTG isn't featured on RAW, JTG isn't featured on NXT, JTG isn't featured on NXT...simply put, JTG is being paid for doing nothing. While he's a good wrestler, JTG hasn't doing anything noticeable in a long time, and now has been employed for nearly six years without doing anything meaningful. The WWE should fire him, simply because he gets paid without lifting a finger in the WWE.
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