WWE: 10 Superstars You Will Be Surprised Are 10 Year Company Veterans

6. Teddy Long

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlra1nb-iUc Teddy Long is best known for his long run as Smackdown general manager, so you may have already known he has been a WWE TV character for ten years now. What you may not have been aware of is that Long is in fact a nearly twenty year WWE veteran! An age before taking up the role of Smackdown manager in 2004, Teddy was first hired in 1998 to work as a referee in WWF matches. Tragically, he was somewhat of a curse in this role €” Long was the referee for the match immediately after Owen Hart died at Over The Edge 1999 and also officiated the bout in which Darren Drozdov ended up paralysed later in 1999. Maybe wrestlers started getting superstitious because soon afterward Long got repackaged as a Black Panthers style faction manager. His lasting fame will always be in the role of Smackdown GM, having made the role his own and becoming a staple of the blue brand broadcast. Despite being far past his sell by date, Long remains under contract, and this veteran looks like he will be a WWE lifer.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.