WWE: 10 Tag Teams That Totally Hated Each Other In Real Life

7. The Eliminators

WWE.comWWE.comECW was famous for taking workers who would have a hard time succeeding on the big stage of WWE or WCW and hiding their limitations while accentuating their strengths, maximizing their abilities as a performer. A perfect example of this is the team of Perry Saturn and John Kronus, known as The Eliminators, one of the most popular teams in the company€™s brief history. While it will always be remembered best for the hardcore wrestling it was founded upon, ECW was home to some impressive tag team action. Along with The Eliminators, Public Enemy, The Dudleys, The Pitbulls and The Gangstas were mainstays of the promotion in the early days. Saturn and Kronus, both named after gods of harvest, were two adequate workers who, when paired together and booked well, became an unstoppable machine. But behind the curtain, there was some serious animosity between the two. Saturn grew to despise Kronus, and there were several reports of backstage fights between the two. And while Saturn grew as a worker and continued to improve, Kronus seemed content to spin his wheels, putting on quite a bit of weight and reducing his effort in the ring. When an offer came from Paul Heyman to reform the team, Perry refused to work with his former partner any longer, and his boss granted him the freedom to seek employment elsewhere, which led to his stint in the (financially) greener pastures of WCW.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.