WWE: 10 Things Hulk Hogan's MAJOR WrestleMania 30 Announcement Could Be

9. Hogan Puts Daniel Bryan In The Main Event

It still feels like the heel vs heel dynamic of Orton versus Batista is wholly impossible on the grandest stage of them all in four weeks. Surely a third challenger is getting added to make it a triple threat and surely that man has to be the most popular wrestler alive today Daniel Bryan. The challenge with getting Bryan into the equation is that it just doesn't make sense logically, creative have to follow the rules of their story. As such the Authority is never going to sanction a Bryan title shot. But one man who could facilitate Bryan getting a shot is the host of Wrestlemania Hulk Hogan! It would make sense creatively. Hulk has been given the power by WWE to host Wrestlemania, it's his show to run, as host he calls the shots. As the all American good guy Hogan wants to give the fans what they want at Mania. So next week on Raw he comes to the ring and announces he has put Daniel Bryan into the main event for the WWE title. If Triple H has a problem with that he has one question for him "What'cha gonna do Brother!" If WWE have the means it would be even bigger if Hogan then said "Don't worry Trips, don't feel left out, I've a match for you too," leading to Punk's music hitting. One thing for sure, if Hogan is the man to get Bryan his title shot it will make The Hulkster more popular than ever!
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.