Cesaro's biggest cheerleader backstage in WWE is none other than John Cena ... which bodes well for Cesaro's future. On a tour of Germany last November, Cena made his respect for Cesaro clear. He went out of his way to call the Swiss star to the ring, praising him in front of his European fans. "This man has the makings of a future champion," Cena declared. Coincidentally, not long after this, insider sites started reporting that Vince McMahon had became a big fan of Cesaro. A few months on and this is clearly the case, Cesaro is now one of the most pushed acts on the WWE roster. It looks like Cena's influence helped matters, the term 'friends in high places' springs to mind. Further proof of Cena having Cesaro's back came from Nikki Bella in her round of WrestleMania media interviews. The beautiful girlfriend of Cena revealed that "John is a big fan of Cesaro", he keeps his eye out for the star as the one to watch in WWE. It also just so happens that Cesaro gave Cena his best match of the year on the February 17th Raw.