WWE: 10 Triple H Feuds That Totally Sucked

5. Randy Orton In 2009

There are so many Triple H feuds with Randy Orton. It started back in 2004, then they had more matches including a rivalry in 2007 that leaked into 2008 and a bigger one in 2009 that we're taking a closer look at here because it was pretty awful. Orton made the feud personal by attacking members of the McMahon family. This was around the time when WWE actually acknowledged that Hunter married Stephanie in real life even though it happened six years earlier and most people knew it by then. Orton did mean things like punting Vince or kissing an unconscious Stephanie while Hunter was unable to save her due to being handcuffed to the ropes. Then there was the ridiculous fight inside of Orton's "house" after Hunter tracked him down. Hunter got arrested for it, but of course no charges because wrestling arrests don't follow actual laws. All of it led to a match at WrestleMania 25 with Hunter defending the WWE Title against Orton. Where they made a critical mistake was putting this match on after the Undertaker/Michaels at WrestleMania 25 that was so good that a lot of people considered it the best match in WWE history. Nothing should have followed it. Watching Hunter wrestle Orton in the main event at WrestleMania 25 was pretty boring. Hunter was already the babyface WWE Champion at the time. What was there to gain by having another match with Orton? He had to avenge all the attacks that Orton did against the rich McMahon family that he married into, but it's not like Hunter was a sympathetic character. Are we supposed to feel sorry for the guy? That didn't happen. The feud didn't really end there either. They kept on having matches after the flop at WrestleMania because WWE did a poor job of building up other top contenders. It was such a boring feud from start to finish.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.