WWE: 10 Ways To Address Raw Ratings Disaster

1. Follow Through On Promises

Randy Orton WWE have let there fans down time and time again in the second half of 2013. Is it any surprise that viewers have now vanished? Restoring a bit of faith will go a long way to getting fans back on board with the product. The company needs to promote that they are going to deliver - and then they need to deliver. They can start this process at TLC. Book a decisive winner and new undisputed champion, and possibly turn John Cena heel to pay off on what the audience is begging for. Needless to say, a Cena heel turn will boost numbers significantly. Low ratings are the results of too many screwy finishes, too many indecisive results, too many over done angles and too many silly segments. WWE can correct it all by following through on its promises and doing what is says on the arena banner - "wrestling."
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Randy Orton
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