WWE: 10 Ways To Address Raw Ratings Disaster

3. Go Back To Two Hours

Raw Black Gif Looking at numbers from this week, it is obvious that Raw is too long. Each hour viewers are falling away. The problem for USA network is that even the low final hour is still higher than whatever they could put in its place. So WWE getting out of 3 hours is unlikely, and anyway, the extra hour is another 15 minutes of advertising revenue. The problem is, three hours of WWE is really hard to stomach. Even when the product is great, three hours is a hell of a long time to sit and watch something. It's longer than most hollywood films. When Raw is at its poorest, three hours can feel like six hours. Most people nowadays are having to record the show in order to fast forward to the parts of interest. It has become a labour of love at times. There is little doubt in my mind that the three hour Raw has put some viewers off watching. The question is, will WWE be brave enough to go to USA and suggest doing something about it?
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