WWE: 10 Ways To Reignite The Career Of Alberto Del Rio

2. Del Rio The Luchador

It's no secret that Rey Mysterio is close to retiring sometime in the next couple of years. He is one of the biggest sellers of merchandise, specifically to the demographics WWE has worked so hard to win over with their PG ratings. Sin Cara was brought into WWE in hopes of finding that new masked luchador superhero who the kids will fall in love with, selling massive amounts of merch. The Sin Cara project failed, Rey Mysterio is still on his way out in the next year or two. What should WWE do? It's simple, really. You have a solid talent on the roster right now, who has experience working WWE's in-ring style and can work a fast-paced lucha libre style. For years on the lucha libre scene in Mexico, Alberto Del Rio worked as one of Mexico's biggest luchador stars, the masked Dos Caras Jr. It's time for him to don the mask again. Yes, it's true, as the unmasked Alberto Del Rio, Del Rio probably went further up the ranks then he ever would have as a masked superstar in WWE. But now that has already worked his way to the highest points in the ranks, there really is nowhere left to go. It's time to trade in the in-ring success of Alberto Del Rio for the merch sale paydays of Dos Caras Jr. WWE should have no problem dropping the "Jr." as they did for Rey Mysterio. They have a worker whom they know won't be a flop like Sin Cara was. And you solve the problem of a WWE without it's kid-friendly masked superhero.

Matt Binder hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.