WWE: 10 Worst Entrance Themes Of All Time

4. Bastion Booger

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz8LvCn5jKI Poor Mike Shaw. Shaw was a legitimately nice guy who seemed to get stuck with every single bad gimmick that a booker could come up with. He was a wrestling friar, an escaped mental patient, Trucker Norm, and Bastion Booger. You see, Booger's whole gimmick was that he was extremely fat and disgusting. He would make his entrance to this little ditty of burping and farting while eating large amounts of food and the announcers would make various fat jokes at his expense. To add insult to injury, Vince McMahon also had his wrestling gear made so it purposely gave Shaw a hump on his back, giving the announcers yet more material for his matches. Isn't wrestling fun?
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Billy Gunn
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Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.