WWE: 10 Worst Entrance Themes Of All Time

3. Issac Yankem, DDS

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LA6l5MEDXdg So let's jump into a time machine and head back to the mid-1990s, where every wrestler in the WWF was required to have a job on the side. Issac Yankem (I. Yankem, get it?) was Jerry Lawler's personal dentist who was brought into the World Wrestling Federation to extract (ha) revenge on Bret Hart. This lovely entrance theme was a medley of dentist drills and screaming patients that was intended to scare those in the audience who have a fear of overly-muscled dental hygienists. Realizing the gimmick was an absolute flop, Vince McMahon repackaged Yankem into Fake Diesel, a Kevin Nash lookalike who teamed with equally Fake Razor Ramon. In case it's not obvious, these gimmicks came during a very bad time in the WWF. However, the third time was a charm as another gimmick change to the Undertaker's younger brother finally was the winning formula. That's right, Kane used to moonlight as a dentist to pay the bills.
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Mike Shannon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.