WWE: 10 WrestleMania 30 Main Events That Would Have Been Better Than Orton vs Batista

1. CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan

Bryan Vs Punk The main event the internet wanted. Whilst Cena-Bryan may have had a better story behind it, there is no denying that this main event would provide the match quality and fan service that would elevate it to being the most desirable way to close the milestone WrestleMania. The two embody the independent wrestler's unlikely rise to the top of WWE so perfectly and have become two of the most beloved wrestlers in the company for just that reason. They don't fit the mould, they are different and they have risen to the top through sheer work ethic, ability and determination against all odds. These two competing in the main event would have been this generations version of the WrestleMania XX ending with the celebration of Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero. One of WrestleMania's finest moments that the company will not relive due to the Benoit murder-suicide, so why not create another one a decade later? These two could steal the show with ease and with both men being faces they could have even competed under the Code of Honor that they both worked within to make their names on the independent scene in Ring of Honor. A hand shake to open, both men respecting each other and fighting clean, and an embrace between the two post-match no matter who the winner. The atmosphere in New Orleans would be like no other, as the fans would have to make a choice between their darlings while unlikely to boo the other. The fans clambered for this main event and it is so easy to see why. The only difficulty would have been creating it under the current Authority storyline, but WWE could have built to this with more foresight. Even in the current landscape it could've been achieved, not perfectly within it but it could have been reachable. Punk could've won the Rumble from the number one spot, Bryan could've won the championship in the Elimination Chamber and the scene would be set. What championship match did you want to see close the thirtieth WrestleMania? Sound off below.

Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.