WWE: 10 WrestleMania 30 Main Events That Would Have Been Better Than Orton vs Batista

2. John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RYBTP6JblE The second SummerSlam rematch in the list could have arguably been placed number one. Story-wise this may be the strongest possible main event for WrestleMania XXX if told correctly. Bryan and Cena was a huge clash at SummerSlam, viewed as career defining for Bryan as he battled the unofficial 'Face of the WWE' for the WWE Championship. Well if Cena had aligned with The Authority to unify the championships at TLC and became the official 'Face of the WWE' the stakes would be increased even higher for WrestleMania. A heel Cena in a WWE openly acknowledging that he is their chosen 'Face' of the company holding the only World Championship now they are unified would be the highest mountain for anyone to climb. It could be said that with Cena a heel and Bryan going in to the match as the Royal Rumble winner might make the outcome a bit predictable in favour of the underdog but what if Cena hadn't turned heel? What if Cena had won at TLC fairly and The Authority were simply continuing to show him the admiration they had in December, without an official alliance in place whilst still taking exception to Bryan? The blurred lines in the storytelling and allegiances would make for an unpredictable match and Cena entering as the same SuperCena as always would make a Bryan win much more in question, especially with a potential heel turn set up for Mania itself thanks to The Authority's questionable role in the build-up.

Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.