WWE: 10 WrestleMania 30 Main Events That Would Have Been Better Than Orton vs Batista

10. Randy Orton vs. Brock Lesnar

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mM2V3AYuP2g Upon his return in December Brock Lesnar labelled himself the number one contender. This could've led to him actually receiving a title shot at WrestleMania against 'The Face of the WWE' Randy Orton in their first encounter since then WWE Champion Lesnar squashed the blue chipper Orton in 2002. This could have been achieved by Lesnar dominating the Royal Rumble but he would have had to turn face for the feud to work. There is built in history for the story, thanks to Lesnar's feud with Orton's ally Triple H last year. This angle would have also played to the dissension amongst The Authority group, as Orton would be under pressure to achieve what Hunter did at last year's WrestleMania: defeating the beast. As always Heyman would have played a massive role in the storytelling, perhaps even baiting Triple H in his usual antagonistic manner to make the rift even stronger and the rivalry more personal. Although the arguing between Heyman and Triple H would run the risk of overshadowing the rivalry between the two wrestlers, it would do a good job of disguising and overcoming the weakness of both Orton and Lesnar on the microphone.

Founder of ForTheRecordNews.com; he is a long time fan of wrestling, television, film, sports and video games from North Yorkshire.